How saliva can help us diagnose chronic diseases

Hend Alqaderi

During the COVID-19 pandemic, dental researcher Hend Alqaderi began to explore how salivary biomarkers might help us predict and prevent systemic diseases. Her study led to interesting revelations about how our bodies deal differently with the same symptoms – and the information that saliva can provide about our health and medical history. Join her as she explores the untapped potential of this discovery and its implications for personalized medicine.

About the Speaker

Hend Alqaderi
Doctor, scientist, researcher

As a faculty member of the Harvard School of Dental Medicine and researcher at the Dasman Diabetes Institute in Kuwait, Hend Alqaderi researched salivary biomarkers to identify inflammatory diseases like diabetes. With the arrival of COVID-19, she initiated a large study involving saliva to predict the severity of the disease. These contributions earned her the 2021 L’Oreal UNESCO Award for Talented Women in Science as well as the Lois Cohen Prize from Harvard University for Excellence in Global Health Research.